Math 2022 Question 26

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3 Marks


The costs of rackets and balls are shown below.

Calculate the cost of 1 racket.


One Racket is $72


2 Rackets + 2 Balls = 184

2 Rackets + 4 Balls = 224

Therefore 2 Rackets = 184 – 2 Balls

Substitute Rackets for balls in the 2nd equation

2 Rackets + 4 Balls = 224

184 – 2 Balls + 4 Balls = 224

2 Balls +184 = 224

2 Balls = 224-184

2 Balls = 40

1 Ball = 20

Now Solve using the first equation

2 Rackets = 184 – 2 Balls

2 Rackets = 184- (2×20)

2 Rackets = 184-40

2 Rackets = 144

1 Racket = 144 ÷ 2

1 Racket = 72

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