What to do if a Child is Choking

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There was a heart breaking situation of a young child choking on a piece of food and dying this week . We send out condolences to the family on this tragic event.

Ideally persons should attend CPR and first aid classes which will teach the best ways to deal with these emergency situations.

Below are some organizations that have First aid classes in Trinidad and Tobago. This is not an exhaustive list but you can check these places to see when next they are running their first aid courses.

We have also included some steps of what can be done to assist a choking child when they are conscious and unconscious.
Steps courtesy http://www.ProCPR.org

Choking and Conscious Child

If a child is choking and conscious, signs include looking panicked, blue color around the lips, and the inability to talk, cough, or breathe. The child may do the universal choking sign with hands around their throat.

  • Ask if the child needs help.
  • Get to the level of the child by kneeling or sitting, and raise their elbows.
  • Place one hand with thumb tucked in against the abdomen, above the bellybutton, and grab your fist with the other hand.
  • Perform abdominal thrusts until the object is clear or the child becomes unconscious.

Choking and Unconscious Child

Once a child choking victim becomes unconscious, activate EMS.

  • Perform 30 chest compressions
  • Check for the object, and sweep out if possible.
  • Attempt two breaths. If there is no chest rise and fall, attempt two more breaths.
  • Continue this process, from compressions to breaths, until the airway is open and air goes into the lungs.
  • Then check for a pulse. If present without breathing, continue rescue breathing. If no pulse or breathing, begin CPR.

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