Math 2017 Question 34

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Question 34

The diagram below shows a piece of kite paper that is to be cut into triangular flags. Each flag has a base of 15cm and a height of 12cm.

Question 34 math 2017

(a) What is the greatest number of flags that can be made from the sheet of kite paper? (2 marks)

(b) Andrew wants to make 144 flags. How many sheets of kite paper will he need? (1 mark)



(a) 72 Kites

(b) 2 Sheets


(a)  Area of kite paper = height × length= 72 ×90 = 6480

Area of triangle = Half Base x Height = 12 ÷2×15 = 90

Number kites = 6480 ÷90 = 72


(b) Number of sheets = Number of flags ÷ Number of flags from one sheet = 144 ÷72 = 2

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