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Opal Kids is launching a free 6-week Zoom chat series for parents and caregivers, beginning Friday 5th June. T.H.R.I.V.E is our way of connecting parents and caregivers with various professionals to get practical and sound information and advice so that you can become more empowered.

Each week we’ll feature a different professional to chat about a range of topics. We will have Dr. David Bratt (pediatrician), Alicia Hoyte (Clinical Psychologist), Nadia Goodman (Speech-Language Pathologist) and Kevin Ching (Developmental Therapist) joining us to discuss topics such as developmental milestones, communication, behavioural issues, coping skills and more! 

To register, please email admin@opalkids.org and we will send you the link. Space is limited to 100 participants so register your spot early!

The flyer attached has all the information. Please forward this message on to anyone who might be interested. See you there!

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