Art Camp with Auntie Jamie: Super Me

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CAMP 3 SUPER ME:  August 6th – 10th

To pre-book a spot please contact me via email. Deposits to reserve spots will apply.

AGES: 3 to 8
VENUE: Early Learning Centre, Gallus Street, Woodbrook (Back of building) – We rent here on those days so don’t call the venue for information or registration 🙂 Contact me.

Jaime Lee Loy

Artist/Lead Facilitator

Telephone: 868 771 4113

Aside from our art sessions there are daily professionals that visit including dance and music and depending on the camp chosen there will be stilt walking, drama, paper making, authors, specialty artists, photography etc.

TIMES: Drop off from 730am (no earlier). Camp begins at 9. Ends at 2pm.
COST: $750 per week inclusive of materials and all special guests
ADULT TEACHERS PER CAMP: 3 (not including special guests)

Please note that they will interact with an art therapist, comic artists, and invent their own superhero identity based on their positive qualities. They will be introduced to social responsibility and conceptually imagine themselves in a powerful and positive light.

They will create protective objects (think Green Lantern and his power ring aka superhero) with clay, Safe spaces with art therapy, papier mache masks that reveal inner emotions, their own capes or accessories using different art methods, and have an introduction to illustrating their own comic hero/self.



I aim to cover between 7 and 10 artists from history both male and female. They will be introduced to these artists and learn/copy an element of their style that changed or influenced history. They will then create their own drawing/painting/piece utilizing what they learnt.


Art camp with Auntie jamie

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