Which Parent Are You On The Day Of S.E.A.?

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SEA in Trinidad and Tobago is on Thursday 3 May 2018.  The day is almost here.  Over the years I have noticed that there are different types of parents who exhibit very different reactions to the day.  Admit it which parent are you below?


1. I am sending you to school in a maxi, with a couple of extra pencils we bought the day before.


2. I sit down with you in the car park, quizzing you on what an intransitive verb or passive voice is before the exam.


3. I am sitting outside the centre, or in my church/mosque/temple, praying that my child answers the questions correctly and remains calm.


4. I drop my child off and then go off to work. What time is pick up again?


5. I stand outside pacing up and down or in a mall, doing the same. Note I cannot talk to anyone!


6. I prepare a special breakfast and/or give a special tonic just for the day.


7. I give my child 12 (2HB) pencils and no sharpener because there’s no time to sharpen any pencil!


8. It is the first time my child has ever reached to school when the guard opening the gate.


9. I have to take 2 Xanax or a shot of Puncheon to calm the nerves.


10. I am calm and cool on the outside but I’m dying on the inside.


Listen guys the exam is only one day.  It will be over by 1:30 pm on Thursday afternoon. Hug your children, kiss them and move on!!!!!  (Till the last week in June/ First week in July when results come out)


Footnote: Yes I know the schools have said pick up at 1:00 pm but sometimes it runs a little longer so that is why I said it will be over by 1:30 pm!!!

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